POSAC Site Visit: Spruce Gulch Property Tour
| 03:45 PM - 05:45 PM
Heil Valley Ranch
| Registration Required
Open Space Management - All Ages Welcome
Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee (POSAC) members and attendees will visit the Spruce Gulch property. POSAC voted to approve two conservation easements over the property at the April meeting. The transaction is scheduled to close this winter. Attendees will travel to the property in vans. Vans will leave the Boulder County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder, at 3:45 p.m., and return by 5:45 p.m. It is possible to drive to the site on your own, but parking is very limited. Please contact Melissa Arnold if you wish to drive yourself. Participants will walk less than one mile along a dirt road while enjoying the views, listening to stories of the family's 100 years on the property, and learning more about the flora and fauna of the area. The tour will take approximately one hour. This site visit will not provide an opportunity for formal public comment. The tour is informational only and POSAC is not expected to vote on matters related to this item.
Minimum Participants: 4Maximum Participants: 20
Registration is required for this activity.
Boulder County wants to ensure that everyone has equal access to our programs, activities, and services. To request an Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accommodation, please email [email protected], or call 303-441-1386. Submit your request as early as possible, and no later than two business days before the event.
If you need help in another language, please email [email protected], or call 303-678-6277. Contact us as early as possible, and no later than three business days before the event.
Melissa Arnold
(303) 678-6266
Registration Info
Activity Registration Closed
Registration is not currently enabled. Check the calendar for more activities
Activity Contact
(303) 678-6266