Earth Day Extravaganza: Watershed Event
| 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Walden Ponds Wildlife Habitat
| Registration Required
Volunteer Work Projects - All Ages Welcome
In partnership with the Keep It Clean Partnership we are hosting a very special Earth Day event at Walden Ponds! This event will have something for every age group and interest. Bring your family and friends to celebrate our local environment and give back to our open spaces by participating in some volunteer work projects. If you would rather not get your hands too dirty, there will also be education and crafting stations where you can turn recycled materials into useful items to use at home and on the trail. Check out what volunteer projects and activities we’ll have – we hope to see you there! We will have a variety of activities available as well as environmental education stations so you can learn about our watershed! Upcycled Crafting Activities: from 9am-noon We have two activities where you can craft with recycled materials. We will have a few materials available if you don't have any to bring, but see the description below to see if you already have something at home you can bring. We will provide the rest of the materials to help you make them! These activities will be available anytime between 9-noon. 1) Reusable Tote Bags Make a reusable tote bag out of pet food/grain bags. These will come in handy as you will no longer be able to get disposable plastic bags in Colorado in 2024. Bring: Pet food bag (the plastic, woven kind). You can bring as many as you'd like! 2) Pet Waste Holder Cleaning up after your pets on trails is essential to keeping our waterways clean, and carrying pet waste back on a hike doesn’t need to be a nuisance. We will be making dog waste carriers for the trail. This allows you to contain your dog waste once you have picked it up with a pet waste bag. It keeps the smell and poop contained until you get to a trash container for disposal. We will provide decorative tape and carabiners – this will turn your empty container into a portable waste container that can easily clip onto a backpack. Bring: Plastic gelato container, or any small-medium plastic jar with a screw top lid. Volunteer Work Projects: from 9am-noon** If you would like to give back to the Earth by offering a helping had, we will have 2 options available from 9-noon. These projects will be on-going, so you can participate whenever you show up.**If you would like to participate in a more involved work project, we will be hosting a separate volunteer work project at 1pm at Walden**. The following projects are great for families who just want to get a taste! Make sure you will out a waiver before you get started. 1) Removing an invasive species, tamarisk, from the shores of Walden ponds. We will have work gloves and all the tools needed for this project on site. 2) Picking up and collecting trash on around Walden Ponds. We will have work gloves, trash bags, and trash grabbers available on site. Education Stations Open from 9am-noon. We will also be lucky enough to have some of our environmental educators talk about watersheds in Boulder County and how you can help Keep It Clean! The Keep It Clean Partnership and the St Vrain Left Hand water Conservancy will have tables set up with information and activities to help you learn about watersheds.
Minimum Participants: 8Maximum Participants: 100
Registration is required for this activity.
Boulder County wants to ensure that everyone has equal access to our programs, activities, and services. To request an Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accommodation, please email [email protected], or call 303-441-1386. Submit your request as early as possible, and no later than two business days before the event.
If you need help in another language, please email [email protected], or call 303-678-6277. Contact us as early as possible, and no later than three business days before the event.
Links Contact
Amanda Hatfield
(303) 726-9286
Registration Info
Activity Registration Closed
Registration is not currently enabled. Check the calendar for more activities
Activity Contact
(303) 726-9286