Hikes for Seniors: The Perfect Pair
| 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Carolyn Holmberg Preserve
| Registration Required
Natural History - Seniors
Join us for a leisurely walk and afternoon of full of observing our resident Bald Eagle nesting pair. Learn about the Bald Eagles of Boulder County and their life cycle.
Minimum Participants: 5Maximum Participants: 25
Registration is required for this activity.
Boulder County wants to ensure that everyone has equal access to our programs, activities, and services. To request an Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accommodation, please email [email protected], or call 303-441-1386. Submit your request as early as possible, and no later than two business days before the event.
If you need help in another language, please email [email protected], or call 303-678-6277. Contact us as early as possible, and no later than three business days before the event.
Carlos Lerma
(303) 678-6214
Registration Info
Activity Registration Closed
Registration is not currently enabled. Check the calendar for more activities
CancelLeader/Volunteer Info

Brenda P - Volunteer Naturalist
My family moved from the Midwest to Wheatridge in 1962, and then to Boulder in 1965. To say I’ve seen a lot of change in this area is an incredible understatement. This reflection makes me feel a responsibility to honor and care for our little part of this big, beautiful world. When I learned about the BOCO volunteer naturalist program I was selfishly excited to grab an opportunity to learn more about this county that I love, and hopefully pass on information to spark a love of BOCO's nature.

John W - Volunteer Naturalist
I got a BS in Zoology and did graduate work in Wildlife Management, but spent my career in IT as a programmer and network architect. Now that I am retired, I can spend more time enjoying nature. My favorite topics are wildlife, nature photography and astronomy.

Russell L - Volunteer Naturalist
My love for nature started with a backpack trip and climbing Mt. Princeton as a youngster. Upon graduating from Buena Vista High School, I chose Ft. Lewis College and earned a degree in Biology. I brought my passion for nature and its preservation to my sons with backpack trips, and fishing trips. In 1979 I was asked to give a presentation on insects, and birds for my son’s 3rd grade class. Over the years I have greatly expanded my collection and speak whenever asked!
Activity Contact
(303) 678-6214